10 tips for real women to be the queen oral sex

This is an article I read on the website of FashionTV. I share it with you.

Want to know what are your tips for oral sex queens?

1. "What is oral sex does not mean that you only have to use your mouth. Use your hands to grip the penis of your guy or touch his testicles ".

2. "Every time my jaw and my neck needs a break, I shot back and focus on the tip of the penis. If there is much lubricant or saliva, I can still move my hands as I do circles with my tongue on the glans ".

3. "There is a small place where the testicles that is super sensitive meet. My ex told me once that it was like stroking his point G. A touch it! ".

4. "Sometimes flavored lubricant use when I practice oral sex to my boyfriend. I think the lubricant makes him excite more and allows me to enjoy me too much. "

5. "If I'm getting tired or need a break to swallow my saliva (a very explicit but passes data), low speed. Once I recovered, I return to accelerate the pace. I think the speed change is a very enjoyable game for him. "

6. "Ask him what he likes. Do you feel much safer if you know the pace, speed and whims your guy prefers ".

7. "When you are about to climax, shooting his balls gently to make it last a little longer. My boyfriend always tells me that it becomes much more intense moment. "

8. "I always think of how much you're enjoying it-and how amazing it is when he practiced oral-sex me and excites me what I do".

9. "When I'm focused on the tip, do not forget the bottom of the glans which is a very sensitive area".

10. "While I'm down, I love to moan. That excites him further and lets you know how much I enjoy to make the pass great. "

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